Want a brand that stands out?
We can create a brand that goes beyond your logo to ensure consistent messaging and defines who you are and what makes you unique!
Branding is one of the most important aspects of your business. In a increasingly image focused world branding is the visual cue to your audience of who you are, why you are here, and what makes you unique! Although, branding is more than a fancy logo, consistent colour palette and fonts that is a great place to start. Here are some of our branding projects.
We have worked with Canadian Canola Industry through the initial development and 2 subsequent brand renewals for their market development and promotional arm - CanolaInfo. CanolaInfo initially start as a North America brand but now is used worldwide to communicate about canola oil. More on the CanolaInfo brand:
Canola Biodiesel
Made With Canola oil/ We Use Canola oil
As part of a SaskFlax and Flax Council of Canada initiative to promote the health benefits, health claim and uses to consumers we were tasked with developing a brand and marketing program. Our first step was to conceptualize the name, look and feel of the brand. More on the HealthyFlax brand: