We have partnered several times with cookbook author and recipe developer, Nancy S. Hughes, to develop recipes for CanolaInfo.org recipe database, Healthyflax.org recipe database, Sask Pork recipe database and the Spread the Mustard Cookbook.
BlueSky Ideas managed the process and then tested, formatted and supplied the nutritional analysis for the Canolainfo recipes. Food Styling: Judy Fowler and Food Photography: Brian Gould.
BlueSkyIdeas initiated development with Nancy and then tested, formatted and supplied the nutritional analysis for the Healthyflax.org recipes. Food Styling and Photography: BlueSky Ideas.
BlueSkyIdeas tested, formatted and supplied the nutritional analysis for the Saskpork.com recipes. Food Styling and Photography: BlueSky Ideas.
BlueSky Ideas initiated development with Nancy and formatted and supplied the nutritional analysis for the Spread The Mustard Cookbook. This project was managed by AgriBiz. Food Styling and Photography: Bob Deutscher.
Check out some of the recipes by Nancy.